Passivhaus Certification Management

Are you a Certified Passive House Designer or Tradesperson seeking Passivhaus certification on your project? We can manage the whole certification process, including completing and lodging all the PHPP requirements.

We work with you at each step of the process…

Thermal Design Assessment

Stage: Concept Design

Check your design and analyse options to optimise the house. We will determine if we can feasibly achieve Passivhaus certification and how.

See more here

Preliminary PHPP

Stage: Design Development

We work together to decide which options to pursue based on the Thermal Design Assessment and then update the PHPP.

Details include: thermal envelope build-ups, window selection, shading elements.

⛳ PH Certifier* prelim review #1

Design PHPP

Stage: Construction drawings

Refine construction details, airtightness strategy, thermal bridge modelling, HRV/ventilation strategy, DHW and heating/cooling systems.

The PHPP is thoroughly updated to exactly what is proposed for construction.

PH Certifier* pre-construction review #2

As Built PHPP

Stage: Construction + Handover

Provide construction advice. Document any changes to design. Update the PHPP to as built.

Builder to provide photo documentation, organise blower door tests and commissioning of mechanical systems.

⛳ PH Certifier* as-built review + certificate issued

* Passivhaus Certifier fees are not included in our service. A third party registered Passivhaus Certifier will need to be engaged to complete the certification process.


  • Yes, or at least can demonstrate good knowledge of Passivhaus. The requirements to achieve Passivhaus certification are rigorous. Without a good foundational knowledge of Passivhaus from the whole team, it becomes difficult to achieve certification.

    If you’re a building professional who would like to start designing or building Passivhauses, we highly recommend taking a Certified Passive House Designer or Tradesperson course.

    Our PHPP Thermal Design Assessment does not require prior Passivhaus knowledge.

  • Passivhaus sees the whole house as a working system. Naturally, this means all consultants and trades must be on board with the outcome. We recommend engaging consultants with Passivhaus knowledge and experience in their respective fields. These include:

    • Passivhaus Certifier

    • Certified Passivhaus Designer

    • Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson

    • Ventilation planning consultant

    • HRV installer and commissioning specialist

    • Registered Airtightness Tester (blower door tester)

    • Airtightness installer / specialist

Just need some assistance to complete the PHPP yourself? We offer hourly rate consulting. Get in touch!

“Passivhaus is not an energy standard but an integrated concept assuring the highest level of comfort.” -Passipedia